7 Habits
7 Habit Takeaways
This week's readings were focused on the 7 habits of highly effective people. Of the 7 habits we learned about in our readings, the habit that holds the most meaning for me is the first one, which is being proactive. To accomplish the following habits (2-7) we must first have the mindset of a self-starter. In one of the readings, it mentions that being proactive is the opposite of being reactive and that we become more responsible as we become proactive. It is how we respond to things that we cannot control that make the difference in the long run. Proactive people seek the opportunity and chose to control impulses that may have a negative effect in the long run. We so often give in to these natural impulses and end up in sticky, high-stress situations. If we simply take responsibility for our actions and begin working, we can follow the next 6 steps.
These 7 habits will help me fill my life with passion and purpose because I won't just be focusing on myself but others. The first few steps help us get our lives together so that we can then go on to the last half of the steps and help others.
One main takeaway I got from this week's reading overall was the idea to enjoy the moment. In my book report, I talked about finding joy in the plateau (as mentioned in the book Mastery). Then in one of the videos about passion, the speaker said they wished they could go back in time and relive some moments because they realized how important that time was to them. As mentioned in my report, we often place happiness past the goal post and forget to live life now. This week taught me a lot about forming habits and finding joy in the journey of where I am headed.
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